Managing the Job of a Mother and Business Owner Teaches Great Lessons!
My boy is growing up and thankfully, so am I. As my boy matures, it is an exciting time to be a business professional. If you enjoy your work, your children will learn powerful lessons.
A friend of mine – a 50-year-old mother, says ‘Your children grow up and they leave – they leave the
house. It won’t matter that you made that extra peanut butter sandwich. Please, do something for yourself. Don’t stay home as they grow up (all the time) as I did. Work on yourself. Continue your own professional development.’
At age 50, she could not get a job. “I’m not hire able. I did not keep up my skills and now the digital age has changed everything.”
Being self-employed and loving the work I do for others is empowering. I get to go to school functions, field trips, sports activities, and more. Does it come with a price? Absolutely.
From the time I drop off my son at school, the clock begins ticking. The creativity of my work begins. I have no time to watch TV or mess around. I have to run an office and teams; calling on people; creating continuous content whether in writing or via video or digital piece. I have little overhead as an agency. With full force, I sought after and designed my own dream career after starting over from scratch after a messy divorce in 2009. Time was precious and the countdown began.
Time is precious.
As a mother, I have learned how to juggle working full time and catering to my nine-year-old. I admit I do have help. But it does not stop me from sitting back and not moving, not doing.
There are no time for complaints when you’re a mom.
I cannot imagine not growing up and not doing more. What a beautiful thing for your children to watch: their hardworking mother becoming better and better. I have business tools and a unique language that includes business to teach my son.
He sees what visions and goals look like. He witnesses his mother aiming for something that involves executing a series of goals. And each year, their goals and zest for life grow bigger and louder. We support each other. What a neat thing it was for my younger son to see me graduate with my bachelor’s degree last year.
The message was clear: Finish what you start. Never quit. Become better.
My advice to young mothers is to stay connected to people in your industry; stay digitally savvy; stay savvy in your work profession, even if you have to put it off just a few years to raise your child. Now, I understand, this isn’t for everyone. But for the talented businesswoman, it is an honor to know that you have the “passion and desire” to do more for yourself. This journey ultimately leads you to be more for that little guy you brought into this world.
One day I picked up my son from school and instead of the usual, “How was your day?” I asked, “Do you want to hear about my exciting day? It’s about business.” “Sure, Mom, why not?” And thus began some daily doses of how business and people work. He continues to ask questions. He is part of this business language that I learned along the way in college and in real life situations. I wish I grew up with that.
My son knows what the word “royalty” means and he knows that if you do a job, you should charge for it. He also learns the power of negotiations. He practices it on me, so I know he’s watching, listening and learning quickly. Ultimately, I enjoy the purpose of growing up with my child, while continuing to model and show the rewards of good work ethic.