Writing and Self-Publishing Your Book: Mentoring and Workshops by Lisa Caprelli
Have your own story to tell? Do you talk about one day writing your book, but just haven't found the time to do it? Do you feel you would get it done if only you had the right inspiration, accountability or push? Welcome to our writing group where we take your "idea" into fruition with accountable with action steps.
Writing isn't about making money, getting famous...it is about enriching the lives of others who will read your work and enriching your life as well and being happier leaving your mark on this world!
Learn about the resources and people I recommend for designing your book cover, video stories, writing review process, and book launch with publicity! Learning how to self-publish books and the marketing process has Lisa to teach others how to get their voice on paper, to Kindle, to audiobooks and build their brand. You can also purchase a copy of "Writing Your Story & Turning it Into a Published Book" to keep as a reference.
"Writing is a lonely job. Having someone who believes in you makes a world of difference."
- Stephen King
See what people are saying...
"Lisa's informational packet that accompanied her workshop allowed me to get all my thoughts down on paper in such an organized way! Thank you, Lisa, for such a fabulous workshop." - Donna Lack, Counselor
"I came to Lisa's workshop, not thinking I had anything of value to share. I left begin inspired and believing in myself that I have TWO great stories to share with the world that could change a person's life for the better. My books will inspire, give focus and give people hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. - Racquel Figlo, Publicist
“I came to Lisa Caprelli’s workshop to finally understand the process of explaining in an organized, focused manner, the book writing and publishing process. This brought even more ideas and inspiration on how to get your book complete. Thank you for helping me set one of my goals, you were meant to be another facet of my “Diamond Life.” - Charmaine Joie, Couture Designer
“My take away from my first workshop with Lisa that she breaks down into steps with her guidebook and group collaboration is the following: motivation, discipline, action, sharing thoughts, structure and resources.” - Jim Butler
"This workshop was a wonderful experience hearing different voices and listening to other writers' ideas and where they were in the process of writing their own books." - Amanda Russo
"Really enjoyed brainstorming ideas with the group and the exercises help me clarify important aspects of my book that I haven't focused on yet, like book cover design, target audience, marketing strategy, etc. - very helpful for accountability and motivation to keep going." -Fanneli Robles